Ensuring a competent approach in biology teacher training as a pedagogical problem
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biology teacher, competence approach, teacher training system, general competence, professional competence

How to Cite

Ensuring a competent approach in biology teacher training as a pedagogical problem. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 6, 116-123. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2024-6-116-123


The article deals with the current educational issue: the competency-based approach in training of future Biology teachers. The study is caused by many factors, but in the hierarchy we highlight the change in the state educational paradigm, because this is the basis on which the requirements of state educational standards have changed. We also note that the development of a teacher's pedagogical skills requires a holistic, systematic approach to professional competence. We emphasize the attention to students’ motivation to take an active professional part in self-improvement.
At the current stage of training among future Biology teachers, the educational functions of the teacher must change, in particular, the teachers must be moderators in the process of acquiring knowledge.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the condition of competency-based approach implementation in professional training of future Biology teachers.
We realized the purpose of our article by performing the following tasks: we analyzed literary sources that made it possible to clarify the essence of the main concepts, in particular, competence, professional competence, competence approach; conducted a questionnaire, which was used to determine the readiness of applicants for self-improvement; the analysis of standards, programs, methodological support of the educational process made it possible to determine effective ways of using the competence approach in the professional training of the future teacher.
Appropriate for our research were methods such as ascertainment experiment, questionnaire survey, analysis of relevant documentation.
In the course of the research, the legislative framework for solving this problem was considered. A significant number of scientists identified the features of the competence-based approach in training students majoring in education. The study confirmed that the Biology teacher's competence has an integrated structure, the components of which are general and special competences.
The competence-based approach gives practical and transformative directions for the educational activities of the future Biology teachers. In particular, it becomes the subject of thorough mastering.

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