Interdisciplinary didactic complex «Modern natural-scientific picture of the world» in the system of personal and professional development of future teachers of natural sciences
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teacher training in natural sciences, world-view, natural and scientific picture of the world, levels of functioning of the natural and scientific picture of the world, interdisciplinary didactic complex « Modern natural and scientific picture of the world»

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Interdisciplinary didactic complex «Modern natural-scientific picture of the world» in the system of personal and professional development of future teachers of natural sciences. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 175-190.


The natural science world-view, as a generalized system of modern natural science knowledge, mastered by a teacher of natural sciences (professional qualification: teacher of natural sciences, physics, chemistry, biology), characterizes them as an educated, professionally competent, and competitive individual in modern socio-cultural conditions. Only a teacher, as the carrier of the modern natural science world-view, can be successful in shaping students' «key competencies in the field of natural sciences, technology, and technology» and, in particular, holistic perceptions of the world as a reality, its place, and role in it.

As the creator of their own natural science world-view, a future teacher of natural sciences must consciously and purposefully master systematically synthesized scientific-theoretical knowledge in the field of many natural sciences and in the natural science field as a whole. Of course, this should be facilitated by a certain organization of the educational process in the educational institution where they receive professional qualifications.

In this regard, the article argues that the study of professional disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology) by future teachers of natural sciences should be preceded by their mastery of the integrated course « Modern natural and scientific picture of the world » based on interdisciplinary dialogue (mainly based on knowledge within the high school curriculum). The following content-process lines are the basis for selecting and structuring the educational materials of the proposed course.

The line of world-view and methodological concepts about the essence of concepts: the material world; the natural-scientific world-view (as a whole and as a personal characteristic of

the teacher) and its role in the personal and professional development of the natural science education seeker.

  • The line of basic general scientific knowledge about: matter and the corpuscular-wave continuum as its foundation; motion, space, and time as forms of existence of matter and as general scientific concepts; levels of material structuring; causality and randomness of events and things in
  • The line of theoretical generalizations in terms of individual subject-specific knowledge according to the scheme: basic subject-specific knowledge → fragmentary natural picture of the world → natural and scientific picture of the world → individual natural-scientific worldview of the
  • Sequential and systematic use of modern physical knowledge as fundamental knowledge in explaining specific subject-specific knowledge from all other natural sciences. The aspectual nature of physical knowledge with respect to other natural sciences is a narrative and is proposed to structure the educational material of the course and to form its overall structure.

The results of the pedagogical experiment confirm the effectiveness of studying the proposed educational course and indicate the expediency of its application in the educational environment of higher education institutions that prepare natural science teachers, physicists, chemists, and biologists.

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