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geography, competence, key competencies, competence “entrepreneurship and financial literacy”, educational process, entrepreneurial competence

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FORMATION OF THE KEY COMPETENCE “ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND FINANCIAL LITERACY” IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN GEOGRAPHY. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 7, 22-31.


The article is devoted to the problem of forming the key competence “entrepreneurship and financial literacy” by means of the school geography course in basic school. The authors analyze the sequence of implementation of this key competence in the educational process and the transformation of the category wording in domestic legislative and regulatory documents. The importance of the theoretical discourse on the content of the concept of “entrepreneurial competence” and the consideration of studies of the phenomenon in the social, psychological, pedagogical and content aspects is emphasized. The authors substantiate that in order to form entrepreneurial competence and financial literacy, it is important to clarify the peculiarities of the structure of this competence and determine the characteristics of the structural components. Based on the achievements of domestic and foreign scholars, the author's vision of the structure of entrepreneurship and financial literacy competence is proposed; the motivational, personal, cognitive and activity components are distinguished. In view of the problem under study, the characteristics of each structural component in the context of the content of the school geography course are proposed. The article analyzes the potential of the content of geography curricula/model programs in basic school as a theoretical basis for the formation of the key competence “entrepreneurship and financial literacy”. Particular attention is paid to the courses of economic and social geography in the 9th grade. Emphasis is placed on the importance of ensuring the integration of geography and economics content in the educational process to promote understanding of economic processes, forming students' readiness for entrepreneurship, developing critical thinking, responsibility and initiative. The authors draw attention to the changes in the methodology of competency-based teaching of geography and the importance of introducing methods that will help motivate students to succeed, willingness to act at risk, the ability to solve actual problems using practical tasks and situations, the ability to build interpersonal relationships, and responsibility for the implementation of a common cause.

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