Situational-methodical task as a didactic factor in the formation of methodical competence of the future chemistry teacher
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situational and methodical task, methodical training, future chemistry teacher, higher education institution

How to Cite

Situational-methodical task as a didactic factor in the formation of methodical competence of the future chemistry teacher. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 5, 53-59.


The article is devoted to the problem of using situational-methodical problems in the professional training of a chemistry teacher, and its purpose is to reveal the essence of the concept of «situational-methodical problem» and justify the feasibility of their use in the process of forming the methodological competence of future chemistry teachers.

The article proposes a definition of the concept of «situational-methodical task» by which we understand the designed model, which includes a set of certain conditions and circumstances of the pedagogical activity of a chemistry teacher, and necessarily contains a certain contradiction, the solution of which is aimed at students' assimilation of methodical knowledge, abilities and skills with the aim of formation of their readiness for future professional activity.

Examples of situational and methodical problems are given, which are used in the process of professional training of future chemistry teachers.

It was found that the solution of situational and methodological problems in the process of preparing future teachers to teach chemistry to students of general secondary education institutions will contribute to: organization, activation and motivation of students' educational and cognitive activities; implementation of a creative approach in the process of forming methodical knowledge and skills; formation of students' abilities to apply theoretical knowledge when solving certain professional situations; formation of students' abilities and skills in planning and organizing pedagogical activity in educational institutions, predicting its results and carrying out its evaluation, as well as self-evaluation of one's own activity; formation of future teachers' skills to analyze a pedagogical problem and find effective ways to solve it; prevention of methodical errors in future professional activity; implementation of the principle of professional orientation in the process of professional training by modeling a real educational situation.

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