Formation of natural science competence by ICT means during chemistry lessons in high school
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education competence, natural science competence, information and communication technologies, chemical education, high school

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Formation of natural science competence by ICT means during chemistry lessons in high school. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 1, 60-73.


The research was conducted in order to reveal the ways, methods and means of ICT for the formation of natural science competence in the process of teaching chemistry in high school. The state of the problem in the national education system is analyzed, the concepts of "competence", "natural science competence" and "competence in natural sciences and technologies" from the point of view of the concept of the New Ukrainian School are considered. In order to achieve the
research objectives were used methods of scientific and pedagogical research: pedagogical modeling; analysis of modern means of ICT, results of students' activities, statistical data, scientific and methodological literature.

The analysis of the problem at the international level is displayed, in particular, the results of Ukrainian students’ participation in the international PISA study of education quality. The components of the international PISA study, scientific literacy, its components and competencies are considered. The competency character of PISA research is noted, which is manifested in test tasks, for the solution of which it is not necessary to reproduce the acquired knowledge and skills, but the ability to effectively apply them in new, non-standard situations. The results of indicators of formation level in natural science competence at the international study PISA-2018 are analyzed. The authors emphasize that one of the reasons for Ukraine's low results is insufficient attention to the problems of the formation of competency education.

The expediency of formation of natural-scientific competence during the study of chemistry by aid of information and communication technologies, in particular, educational-modeling electronic textbooks, program-methodical complexes and program packages is argued. Virtual chemical laboratories capable of modeling chemical phenomena and processes are proposed. The program-methodical multimedia means used in chemistry lessons in high school are considered, and they allow visual representation of the structure of atoms and electronic shells, composition and spatial structure of molecules, chemical properties and methods of extraction of substances.

The result of the research is determination of the main conditions for successful organization and conducting of effective studying of chemistry with ICT using; development of ICT in Chemistry for 10th graders studying in the scientific and pedagogical project "Intellect of Ukraine"; analysis of using the mobile applications in the educational process of chemistry. The authors emphasize the positive results of ICT tools use in chemistry lessons in order to form natural science competence.

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