The article emphasises the relevance of introduction and didactic potential of the dual form of higher education.
The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the main conditions that will ensure the productive use of the dual form of higher education in domestic higher education institutions. The study uses the methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalisation, formalisation, induction, and deduction.
In substantiating the conditions for introducing dual learning, the tasks of the dual form of professional undergraduate and graduate education, formulated in the Regulation on the dual form of professional undergraduate and graduate education, served as a guide.
The study describes the main conditions for the application of the dual form of higher education: publicity of training in the dual form of higher education, availability of modern material and technical base and qualified human resources of the employer, modernisation of the content and methods of teaching higher education students, organisational and managerial regulation of the subjects` activities of the dual educational process, constructive communication of the subjects of dual education. They relate to such components of the dual form of higher education as a two-component educational environment, training content, three-subjectivity of dual learning, teaching and learning with the use of the dual form of higher education.
The multivectorality of the main conditions for the implementation of the dual form of higher education is focused on the content and organization of the educational process, on the functional responsibilities of each subject of the partnership triangle, and on the communication of the subjects of dual education.
It is concluded that adherence to the set of conditions substantiated in the study modernizes the educational process and also meets the needs of the labor market for qualified specialists with higher education.
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