The concept of teaching chemical disciplines for future food technologists
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educational program, academic discipline, chemistry, food technology

How to Cite

The concept of teaching chemical disciplines for future food technologists. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 117-124.


Global trends cause changes in the content of educational programs in general and in each educational component in particular. The article is devoted to the justification of the strategy for the study by future food technologists of chemical disciplines aimed at the formation of competencies that will contribute to the improvement of personal and public health and well-being, ensuring the requirements of sustainable development and environmental protection.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the didactic foundations of teaching chemical disciplines for bachelors of specialty 181 Food Technologies at Lutsk National Technical University. Theoretical research methods were used – analysis, synthesis, modeling to determine the theoretical foundations of the study and aggrument of its results.

On the basis of comparative analysis of educational programs of leading universities of Ukraine, the volume and logical sequence of teaching chemical disciplines at LNTU is substantiated. The leading didactic principles of building their content are professional direction and integration with professional disciplines. Thanks to the parallel study in the first semester of the disciplines "General and Inorganic Chemistry" and "Organic Chemistry", applicants, on the basis of actualization of what they learned at school, acquire the basic knowledge and skills necessary for further successful mastering of much more complex disciplines. These are "Analytical Chemistry" and "Physical and Colloidal Chemistry" - disciplines of the second semester, occupying a leading place in the system of theoretical and practical training of a specialist in the field of food technology. The final in the cycle of chemical disciplines is "Biochemistry", which is studied during the third semester. Applicants study not only the structure and dynamic transformations of the substances that make up the human body and which it consumes as food, but also consider the properties and biochemical changes associated with the storage and technological processing of raw materials and products.

The disciplines of the chemical cycle tested in the educational process of LNTU are closely related, logically structured and aimed at the formation of learning outcomes that will form the basis of the future professional competence of specialists in the specialty 181 Food Technologies.

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