CASE-STUDY as a technology of teaching future biologists and teachers of the natural cycle subjects
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teaching technologies, case-study, situational tasks, professional training, future teachers of natural cycle subjects, biologists, Biochemistry, Histology, Parasitology, Microbiology

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CASE-STUDY as a technology of teaching future biologists and teachers of the natural cycle subjects. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 1, 7-18.


The author substantiates the need to introduce case-learning technology in the higher education institutions due to the education orientation on the formation of competencies, skills and abilities of mental and practical activities, the development of lifelong learning, processing a huge flow of information, ability to think critically and choose an optimal solution in different situations. The article describes methods of case technology application while training students of a speciality "Biology", and
also teaching disciplines of fundamental training of the future natural cycle subjects teachers.

The structure of case technology is analyzed and generalized. It includes: 1) situation-case; 2) assignment for working with the case; 3) information material of applications (scientific articles, methodical recommendations, the Internet resources,
illustrative material, list of additional sources of information, etc.). The following stages of work during case study are singled out: 1) description of the situation, acquaintance with case materials; 2) work on the case in small groups; 3) presentation and examination of the small groups work results; 4) completion of work on the case, discussion, choice of the solutions to the problem, reflection on joint activities.

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