Typical deficiencies in knowledge and skills of students of organic chemistry
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chemistry, types of deficiencies, knowledge, skills, educational institutions

How to Cite

Typical deficiencies in knowledge and skills of students of organic chemistry. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 147-153. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2023-4-147-153


The purpose of the article is to present a classification of typical deficiencies in the knowledge and skills of students in organic chemistry, to reveal the causes of their occurrence and negative consequences of their existence, and to determine ways to eliminate them.

Theoretical research methods are used - analysis, synthesis, comparison, modeling, as well as empirical methods - the study of advanced pedagogical experience.

A classification of typical deficiencies in the knowledge and skills of students in organic chemistry is proposed, based on the reason for their occurrence. Four groups of typical deficiencies arising as a result of: improper formation of concepts are distinguished; insufficient formation of concepts; choosing an irrational way of forming concepts; lack of formation of some concepts.

The use by practicing teachers of the above classification of types of deficiencies in the knowledge and skills of students in chemistry allows to overcome their formalism, ensure their effectiveness and, accordingly, increase the effectiveness of the formation and development of subject competence in chemistry. Also, the developed classification can be used as educational material for methodological disciplines studied by future chemistry teachers. During the implementation of their own pedagogical activities, we offer students of higher education in the specialty 014 Secondary education (chemistry) different types of tasks on the methodology of teaching chemistry, in particular, tasks on typical deficiencies in knowledge and skills with the given  text  of  the  student's  answer  and  with  a  common  requirement:  "Indicate  the  essence  of  the deficiency, consequences of occurrence, causes of occurrence, methods of elimination". By solving these problems, future chemistry teachers apply theoretical knowledge in practice, develop the ability to prevent the occurrence of typical deficiencies in chemistry in the knowledge and skills of students, which generally improves the formation of professional and methodological competence of a specialist.

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