The role of teachers in the development of student’s leadership skills
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student leadership; quality teaching; educational leadership; academic advising; student outcomes; higher education

How to Cite

The role of teachers in the development of student’s leadership skills. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 5, 110-118.


Understanding the trend of supply and demand in the labor market is important for different categories of stakeholders. For higher education institutions understanding of these trends is crucial in reforming educational programs and academic disciplines to better serve society, the economy, and businesses. For individuals, knowledge of trends can be a key factor in educational and career decisions. Trends in changes in key skills were analyzed and it was concluded that critical thinking, creativity, complex problem solving, leadership and social impact remain important in the process of global change. The influence of teachers on the development of leadership skills of students in the process of academic counseling was identified and the approaches of researchers to the quality teaching in higher education were analyzed, the skills necessary for teachers to develop leadership skills were determined, the leading role and functions of academic counseling for the development of leadership skills of students were defined. It was found that the level of development of the teacher's leadership skills directly affects the development of students' leadership skills. Students' interactions with their academic advisors have been found to play an important role in their overall learning experience. It is noted that tools for developing students' leadership skills can be modeling, group work, debates, etc., participation in which contributes to the formation of such leadership skills as vision; teamwork; communication; problem solving; teaching; motivation; management and decision-making.

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