Pedagogical factors of generalization and systematisation of рupilʼs knowledge of chemistry in the conditions of a competent approach to teaching
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generalization and systematization of knowledge, chemistry, institutions of general secondary education

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Pedagogical factors of generalization and systematisation of рupilʼs knowledge of chemistry in the conditions of a competent approach to teaching. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 3, 52-63.


The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the pedagogical factors of generalization and systematization of students' knowledge of chemistry in the conditions of a competency-based approach to learning, the characteristics of the methodological foundations of their implementation, and a review of the results of experimental testing of their pedagogical effectiveness.

During the development of the outlined problems, a set of methods of empirical and theoretical levels of research was used in order to conduct a theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, clarify the state of solving the investigated problem in the theory and methodology of teaching chemistry, justify the pedagogical factors of the process of generalization and systematization of students' knowledge of chemistry and modeling methods of their implementation.

The use of research methods made it possible to theoretically substantiate the pedagogical factors of generalization and systematization of knowledge of chemistry students: the lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge as an Sorganizational form of education; schematic visualization as a means of learning; interactive exercises as a teaching method. Appropriate educational and methodological support for their implementation in the conditions of a real educational process has been developed.

The substantiated pedagogical factors of generalization and systematization of chemistry students' knowledge were subjected to experimental verification in the conditions of a real educational process.

The results of the formative experiment, their quantitative and qualitative analysis confirm that the use of certain pedagogical factors of generalization and systematization of knowledge in the process of teaching chemistry helps to increase the level of educational achievements of students. On the basis of the above, we draw a conclusion about the positive pedagogical effect of pedagogical factors based on the didactic level and verified on the methodological level of the generalization and systematization of students' knowledge in the conditions of a competency-based approach to learning.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Аліна Болажко, Ірина Бунчук