Astronomy contour maps how printed STEM teaching tools
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astronomy, contour maps in astronomy, cartographic method, Stellarium virtual planetarium, collection of contour maps in astronomy, cartographic competence

How to Cite

Astronomy contour maps how printed STEM teaching tools. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 3, 30-40.


The development of the global information space makes its demands on the technologies of teaching science subjects at school. The educational astronomical environment is saturated with information of a scientific, illustrative and educational nature, and the subject of astronomy requires independent search, organization of information, use of photographic and other scientific material in the course of laboratory work, which is presented in large quantities on the Internet. These problems justify the relevance of this study.

The development and application in the educational process of didactic materials for the implementation of STEM education is important today. These questions will contribute to the formation of scientific concepts, the development of skills and knowledge application skills and will ensure the development of creative and cognitive abilities of the individual. The prospects of studying astronomy using methodological tools are defined in the article. They involve the synthesis of science and art and are an important element of the process of implementing STEM education.

The cartographic method is an effective tool for learning the structure of astronomical phenomena, regularities and their spatial location, relationships between phenomena or objects, their dynamics, a means of monitoring and forecasting. Didactic tools are proposed to be created for the formation of astronomical knowledge during the study of astronomy in the form of contour maps of the starry sky based on the Stellarium virtual planetarium. Astronomy contour maps are developed, tested and implemented in the educational process for the formation of cartographic competence in research. The system of astronomical contour maps is offered for astronomy lessons, for conducting laboratory practice, for organizing extracurricular work. Graphical images were created using the Stellarium program, which reproduces a realistic spatial picture of the sky.

The structure of the collection of contour maps in astronomy and the thematic directions of tasks of each of the maps are described. An example of filling out (fulfilling tasks) a contour map is given and the algorithm for working with it is described. The results of using contour maps in astronomy lessons are described.

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