Improving the content of the curriculum «Methods of teaching chemistry at a profession-oriented school» according to the requirements of school chemical education
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methodical training, future chemistry teachers, specialized school, institutions of higher education

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Improving the content of the curriculum «Methods of teaching chemistry at a profession-oriented school» according to the requirements of school chemical education. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 3, 64-74.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of the methodical training of the future chemistry teacher, selected according to the principle of compliance with the requirements of school chemical education, and to substantiate the improved content of the educational discipline «Methods of teaching chemistry at a profession- oriented school» as a systematic factor in the methodical training of future chemistry teachers to work in a senior specialized school.

In the process of constructing the content of the educational discipline «Methods of teaching chemistry at a profession-oriented school», such theoretical research methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison, modeling and generalization were used.

The article defines that the content of methodical training of future chemistry teachers is a didactically grounded system of integrated scientific chemical, psychological-pedagogical and methodical knowledge, abilities and skills, methods and experience of professional activity, which students must master for successful and effective design of the educational process.

The essence of the principle of compliance of the content of methodical training with the requirements of school chemical education is characterized, which involves modeling the content component of the methodical system of training future teachers taking into account modern trends in the development and reform of general secondary education.

The content of the compulsory educational discipline «Methods of teaching chemistry at a profession-oriented school» has been improved due to the addition and expansion of the section «Methodology of teaching chemistry at the standard level» by including in it educational material on the peculiarities of studying organic compounds and deepening students' knowledge of the periodic law and the periodic system chemical elements, chemical bonding and structure of substances, chemical reactions and inorganic substances and their properties at the standard level.

It was concluded that the content of the methodical training of the future chemistry teacher at Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University meets today's requirements, as it is modernized in accordance with modern educational trends, and, in particular, is implemented through the study of improved educational disciplines.

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