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professional training, future chemistry teacher, pedagogical conditions

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THE PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF PREPARATION OF THE FUTURE CHEMISTRY TEACHER FOR THE FORMATION OF GNOTIC SKILLS AT STUDENTS IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. (2022). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 2, 68-77.


The article identifies the features of preparing for the future chemistry teacher in the context of educational reforms. The content of the latter research and publications is analyzed. The method of factor analysis was used, the expert group
was interviewed and four typical groups were identified, the main characteristic of which was the average value of the factor.

The leading pedagogical conditions of preparation of the future chemistry teacher for the formation of gnostic skills at students in extracurricular activities are defined and characterized, (creation of a motivational basis to the realization of extracurricular activity in Chemistry in the general secondary education institutions; acquisition of the initial professional experience during the organization of training in higher education institutions, arming of modern forms and methods of extracurricular activities in Chemistry, focused on the formation of gnostic skills in students; creating a developmental educational environment for higher education institutions to actively involve students in cognitive and research activities; the use of modern innovative pedagogical technologies in training future Chemistry teacher; building an individual trajectory of students' professional preparation of higher
education on the purpose of the organization of extracurricular activities in the general secondary education institutions), the effectiveness of their implementation in the educational process is substantiated. On the basis of the Professional Standard
"Teacher of General Secondary Education" the importance of using innovative technologies in Chemistry is determined. It is proved that the outlined pedagogical conditions are the leading factors that provide effective mastering of knowledge in
chemistry by applicants for higher education and the possibility of their introduction into the educational process of general secondary education institutions to implement professional tasks, successfully organize extracurricular activities, create positive motivation to learn, understand life priorities, ensuring the holistic development of a personality capable of self-development, self-improvement and becoming a future professional in his field.

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