Analysis of the pedagogical conditions of training future teachers of biology and fundamentals of health for social-pedagogical activities in general secondary education institutions
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future teachers, educational environment, professional training, professional competence in the social sphere, socio-pedagogical activity

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Analysis of the pedagogical conditions of training future teachers of biology and fundamentals of health for social-pedagogical activities in general secondary education institutions. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 191-197.


The process of development of the educational field involves the development and development of a separate theory of social and pedagogical activity of the subject teacher. This is ensured through the involvement of available socio-pedagogical knowledge and practical experience with the implementation of the experience of scientists-specialists in the field of professional activity and social pedagogues. Special attention should be paid to the formation of the organizational abilities of future teachers, which is determined by the level of independence, the development of initiative, and in turn contributes to the increase of the adaptive potential of the students of education. In this regard, an important task of professional education is to determine the main strategies of training future specialists - teachers of biology and the basics of health for the effective implementation of socio-pedagogical activities in institutions of general secondary education.

The purpose of the article. To analyze the conditions of training future teachers for socio- pedagogical activities in institutions of general secondary education.

Research methods. A complex of the following methods was used during the research: theoretical - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, specification, comparison, theoretical modeling; empirical - observations, conversations, analysis of the results of students' activities.

Research results. The process of training future teachers of biology and the basics of health for socio-pedagogical activity must be considered as a complex integrative phenomenon that exists as a social, pedagogical and psychological phenomenon. Traditional approaches to the professional training of future specialists-pedagogues in biology and the basics of health do not always ensure the proper level of formation of an individual's focus on socio-pedagogical activity, his motivation for success. Three main pedagogical conditions have been established that ensure the implementation of the created training system: creation of an appropriate educational environment; introduction into the educational process of specially developed educational and methodological support; systematic monitoring of the state of formation of the readiness of future teachers of biology and the basics of health for socio-pedagogical activities.

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