Formation of students' research competence in the study of chemistry
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research competence, students, pedagogical technology, pedagogical conditions, research tasks, problem situations, research experiment in chemistry, project

How to Cite

Formation of students’ research competence in the study of chemistry. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 154-164.


The article theoretically substantiates, develops and experimentally verifies the technology of formation of students' research competence when studying chemistry in institutions of general secondary education.

In the conditions of modernization of education, research and creativity are the leading way to activate the cognitive activity of students. Therefore, the search for a solution to the problem of formation and development of research competence among schoolchildren becomes urgent. The purpose of the research is the theoretical justification, development and experimental verification of the technology of forming research competence of students when studying chemistry in institutions of general secondary education. Research methods were used in the research process: theoretical: study of scientific sources and regulatory documents in the field of education, analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, generalization; empirical: pedagogical experiment (determinative and formative stages), survey, observation, interview, questionnaire, method of expert evaluations; statistical: descriptive statistics and Pearson's χ2 test.

The article substantiates the technology of forming students' research competence when studying chemistry in institutions of general secondary education in the unity of motivational-goal, content-procedural, reflective-evaluative blocks, and gives the results of experimental verification of its effectiveness.

The analysis of the results of the experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed technology, which was confirmed by the positive dynamics of the levels of the formation of research competence among the students of the experimental group.

The peculiarities of the technology of forming the research competence of students when studying chemistry consist in the implementation of various forms of scientific research work of students in class and extracurricular time as an integral part of education and the complex use of teaching methods: research, heuristic, interactive, cognitive, productive; using means of stimulating interest in research planning and organization (portfolio, educational project, information and communication technologies, etc.).

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