Organization of cognitive activities of students during the laboratory classes from the educational discipline «Сhemistry (for professional purposes
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Chemistry, laboratory studies, professionally oriented assignments, principles of the planning of laboratory workshop

How to Cite

Organization of cognitive activities of students during the laboratory classes from the educational discipline «Сhemistry (for professional purposes. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 88-94.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the main factors of the cognitive activities of the future labor training teachers during the laboratory studies lessons, because the realization of the interdisciplinary connections allows to improve the students‟ motivation to study Chemistry as a non-core discipline due to the illustration of the theoretical regulations on the examples of the subjects that are considered in the course of professional training and future professional activity.

To reveal the topic of the research, theoretical and empirical methods were used: analysis of methodical and psychological and pedagogical literature, system-structural analysis to establish intersubject relationships, observation, study of the results of students' educational activities, selection of the chemical component of professional training of future teachers of labor education and technology ( to determine the basic principles of building a laboratory workshop in Chemistry).

In the course of the research, the main requirements for professionally oriented educational tasks in Chemistry were determined. During laboratory classes, the experimental method provides for the complex application of the technology of group educational activities in combination with individual and frontal forms of organization of students' cognitive activity. As methodical factors for the implementation of professionally oriented chemistry education of future teachers of labor education and technology, the following are substantiated: coordination of the content and structure of the educational discipline "Chemistry (by professional direction)" with the disciplines of the professional training cycle; supplementing the chemistry course with professionally oriented knowledge; solving professionally oriented questions, tasks and problems in chemistry; inclusion in the laboratory practice of experiments that demonstrate the chemical properties and production of substances studied in the content of professional training disciplines.

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