The methodological aspects of the study of astrophysical phenomena in the process of teaching natural sciences
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natural and scientific disciplines, problem-based learning method, Boltzmann distribution law, physical nature of the force field, atmosphere of the planets of the Solar System

How to Cite

The methodological aspects of the study of astrophysical phenomena in the process of teaching natural sciences. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 67-78.


The article is devoted to the possibilities of implementing the problem-based method for teaching natural sciences, based on the fundamental theories of the force field, the distribution of molecules according to Boltzmann, and the statistical interpretation of the stability of the atmosphere on the planets of the Solar System. This was reflected in the analysis and generalization of the results of relevant publications in scientific and pedagogical publications and author's works on their experimental implementation in educational practice.

During the fundamental study of objects from the field of natural science, which have a different nature, the integration links that unite different fields of natural and scientific knowledge through the application of fundamental laws, concepts and research methods acquire a qualitatively new character.

Considering in more detail the problem of the stability of the atmosphere on different planets, we note that continuous processes of decay and energy dissipation can be maintained if there is an influx of energy into the system from another orderly process, for example, from the external environment. For the planets of the Solar System, the external source of energy is radiation from the Sun. The climate on the surface of the planets of the Solar System is determined by the average distribution of solar energy according to various macroscopic processes generated by it,

taking into account many types and frequencies of all possible fluctuations, which are the cause of the degradation of the initial states of natural systems on the planets.

Accurate calculation of the dispersion time of the planet's atmosphere requires knowledge of the parameters of the upper layers of the atmosphere and taking into account the processes that occur in them. Indeed, the scattering of planetary atmospheres is directly determined only by the conditions and processes in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Such a calculation, however, is currently hardly possible, even with the availability of data on the upper limit of the Earth's atmosphere, obtained with the help of rockets and artificial satellites. Estimating the dissipation time of the idealized isothermal atmosphere that we are considering can give a result that differs by an order of magnitude or even more from the actual dissipation time. However, such an estimate still gives an idea of the order of magnitude of this time.

It has been established that it is expedient to use modern approaches to the study and understanding of natural phenomena, which consist in taking into account the diversity and interrelationships of natural sciences, which make up a single system of natural and scientific knowledge, the possibility of adequate knowledge of nature as a whole entity.

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