Content and structure of the «Science» subject in secondary education institutions
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educational field «Natural Science», educational subject «Science», subject curriculum «Science», interdisciplinary connections, systematic approach in teaching

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Content and structure of the «Science» subject in secondary education institutions. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 58-66.


The article describes the features of the content and structure of the new integrated educational subject «Science», oriented towards the development of practical skills and research abilities of students. It is shown that the educational subject «Science» contributes to the in-depth study of the subjects in the educational field of Natural Science" and the development of interdisciplinary connections, as the content of the educational program provides for the study of physics as the main science of the natural sciences, chemistry and biology. It is also important that the educational program of the subject «Science» is aimed at preparing students for international exams in natural sciences, and its mastering ensures successful admission to well-known world universities and further effective professional activity in the field of science and technology. The content and structure of the program, methodical approaches to teaching certain issues, as well as the features of assessing students‟ knowledge are considered. It is established that the educational subject «Science» is based on a research approach to studying natural sciences, in particular, physics, which allows students to conduct their own research and scientific projects. It is emphasized that the program of the educational subject «Science» has an applied focus, as it contains a large number of practical tasks that help students understand the theoretical material and apply it in practice. Knowledge assessment is carried out using different forms of control, in particular, using written works, projects, and laboratory works. It is noted that learning physics within the framework of the subject «Science» requires the use of modern learning technologies and resources, as it involves conducting video lessons, using virtual laboratories, software, and other interactive tools to deepen knowledge and carry out research. It is important that the educational subject «Science» contributes to the development of students‟ communication skills, as it involves their activity in groups when performing projects and research, which allows for the development of collaboration skills, leadership, and effective communication. Equally important is that the

«Science» program stimulates creativity and innovative thinking among students, as conducting research projects and using modern technologies allows them to develop their potential and find new approaches to solving scientific problems. It is noted that the "Science Cambridge Pathway" educational subject was developed by the University of Cambridge in collaboration with Cambridge University Press. It is taught in many countries around the world, including Ukraine. The program offers a systematic approach to studying science, starting with physics, molecular biology, and chemistry, and extending to geology and astronomy. Each level of the course (Primary, Lower Secondary, and Upper Secondary) is designed in such a way that students not only acquire knowledge but also develop the skills necessary for successful study of scientific disciplines. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the «Science» program also provides teachers with the opportunity to more effectively use innovative educational models, including physics teaching.

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Благодаренко Л. Ю., Дераженко А. В., Рокицький М. О. Основні особливості навчального предмета «Science» в закладах середньої освіти. Актуальні проблеми фізики, математики, інформатики та методики їх навчання : Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція, присвячена 90-річчю від дня народження кандидата фізико-математичних наук, професора Горбачука Івана Тихоновича,18-20 січня 2023 року, м. Київ: збірник матеріалів. Київ : Вид-во УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2023. С. 58-61.

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