Distance learning tools for biological professions students during the COVID-19 pandemic
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e-learning; distance learning tools; the Covid-19 pandemic; students of biological professions; student survey; academic disciplines

How to Cite

Distance learning tools for biological professions students during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 1, 19-33. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2021-1-19-33


The article considers the state of distance learning of students of biological proffesions in the conditions of classical university during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of the article is to identify and compare the views of students of biological proffesions on the use of distance learning in condition Uzhhorod National University during the Covid-19 pandemic. The authors used the following research methods: theoretical (analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.) in order to highlight the use of distance learning in higher education, formulation of the conclusions of the study; empirical (electronic survey, pedagogical observation) – to develop questions of the questionnaire, to identify the views of students; mathematical – to process the results using the computer program IBM SPSS Statistics 23. We obtained the following specific results: during the Covid-19 pandemic, the greatest use for the main part of academic disciplines (50-100%) was found in the case of the Moodle system on the e-learning site of Uzhhorod National University (89% of students of the Faculty of Biology), about 77% – the use of messengers (Viber etc.) and e-mail, 64% – other platforms distance learning (Google Classroom, Zoom etc.). Social networks (YouTube, Facebook etc.), e-resource of the scientific library of Uzhhorod National University and personal sites of teachers are less widespread during the distance learning of students of the Biology Faculty. No statistically significant difference was found, according to the c2-criterion (p ≤0.05) in the use of the Moodle system and messengers during distance learning for the main part of academic disciplines (50-100%) on the grounds: educational and professional level (bachelor/master), profession (pedagogical/other). Bachelor (86%) and of master (89%) students want to study most academic disciplines (50-100%) in the Moodle after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic.

pdf (Ukrainian)


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