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integration of knowledge, competences, future teachers of natural sciences, methods, means, approaches, natural and scientific disciplines, professional training

How to Cite

THE ROLE OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES ON THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF THE EDUCATIONAL BRANCH «NATURAL SCIENCE». (2022). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 2, 78-87.


The article is devoted the of modern ideas, models, hypotheses, theories and the authors' own work, methodological approaches to the practical implementation of integrative educational technologies in the process of professional training of future
teachers of natural sciences.

It was investigated a theoretical justification for the need, taking into account and creating opportunities to ensure the educational process in high school to study the cycle of natural sciences on an integration basis. The interrelation of natural
science disciplines in the context of formation of key competencies and competencies of the future teacher of natural sciences is analyzed. It is established that a modern approach to the study and understanding of natural phenomena has been formed:
only in the diversity and interrelationships of natural sciences, which constitute a single system of natural science knowledge, adequate knowledge of nature as a whole is possible. The integration of science education involves the application throughout
the study of general scientific principles and methods that are core. The principle of complementarity, the principle of conformity, the principle of symmetry, the method of modeling and mathematical methods are the most important for the content of
integrative natural sciences. During the fundamental study of objects of natural science that have different natures, integration connections that unite different branches of natural science knowledge through the application of fundamental laws, concepts and research methods acquire a qualitatively new character.

The peculiarity of professional training of future teachers of natural sciences is determined by the effectiveness of design and implementation of different versions of the environment depending on the content and educational objectives of student’s
development of specific educational material that is integrative.

The prospects of studying this problem have been seen in the adequate implementation of integration processes that are characteristic of the current stage of development of natural sciences, which should be directly reflected at all levels in
science education.

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