The use of active teaching methods in the process of studying school geography courses
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active teaching methods, active learning, educational process, research, geography, activation of educational-cognitive activity, independent work, ascertainment experiment

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The use of active teaching methods in the process of studying school geography courses. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 6, 34-45.


The article discusses the role of active teaching methods in the educational process of geography, which contribute to activating students’ cognitive activity, preparing them for lifelong self-education, and ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge acquisition. The study utilized theoretical methods, namely general scientific methods of investigating reality, comparative-historical and structural methods, as well as empirical methods: surveys, discussions, interviews; observational (observation, self-observation); practimetric (analysis of advanced and mass pedagogical experience, analysis of activity results).
Experimental work was carried out in general secondary education institutions in Vinnytsia city and Vinnytsia region.
Various views of scientists and respondents on the substantive essence of the concept of «active teaching methods» have been considered. An analysis of the results of a ascertainment experiment was carried out, during which the real state of the problem in teaching practice was clarified. In particular, during discussions, observations in classes, conducting independent work, surveys of teachers and students, we concluded that at the present stage in the educational process of geography, various active forms and methods of teaching are used. However, their advantages and disadvantages are not always taken into account, often the substantive essence is distorted by teachers, thus the effectiveness is neutralized. Many respondents do not associate deep, thoughtful assimilation of knowledge with the need to organize students’ search activities. Therefore, methods that stimulate active independent creative work of students in geography lessons are underestimated. It is noted that active learning is associated by modern students with creativity, innovation, independence, critical thinking, development of communicative abilities, group activities, ability to substantiate their own position, self-confidence, diversity of opinions, peer learning.
Methodological features of applying active and interactive teaching methods in geography lessons have been determined, including research, partially search, brainstorming, educational discussion, analysis of problematic situations, intellectual warm-ups, role-playing games. The motives for their implementation, advantages and disadvantages have been identified. In further research, more attention should be paid to the use of interactive teaching methods, STEM technologies in the process of studying geography to unleash the creative potential of students, and to foster critical thinking on this basis.

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