Components and levels of teachers' readiness to use a biological experiment in biology lessons
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subject competence, biological experiment, establishments of universal middle education, teacher of biology, studies of biology

How to Cite

Components and levels of teachers’ readiness to use a biological experiment in biology lessons. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 5, 74-80.


The leading activity for schoolchildren in the New Ukrainian School is practical learning, so it is necessary to look for opportunities to implement practical work methods for the formation of subject competence of students in this process, which will contribute not only to improving the quality of general education of students, but also to the formation of subject competence. This approach to the organization of education actualizes the problem of forming students' practical abilities and skills, which cannot be formed without thorough theoretical training and without methodically correctly organized work on the part of the teacher.

The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the components and levels of readiness of biology teachers to use a biological experiment in general secondary education institutions.

The article also discusses the structure of the formation of subject competence of students during the use of biological experiments in biology lessons in general secondary education institutions. It is represented by the unity of interconnected and interdependent components: motivational; cognitive; practical; evaluator. The motivational component covers the teacher's orientation to the desire to conduct lessons using a biological experiment. Includes motives based on one's own views and beliefs. The cognitive component is expressed in a set of general biological knowledge and interdisciplinary knowledge. The practical component reflects the process of practical application of knowledge, the goal of which is to achieve a certain level of knowledge and practical skills during biological experiments. The assessment component is expressed in the teacher's ability to adequately assess his level of biological knowledge and practical abilities and skills.

The levels of formation of subject competence of students in biology lessons using a biological experiment were determined: high, medium and low.

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