The article focuses on the study of online learning at school, the problems that arose during the school experiment and its impact on the quality of the acquired knowledge. The issue of the quality of knowledge obtained by means of distance learning, the organization of online practical and laboratory work, and the search for methods of diagnosing the quality of knowledge are quite relevant and in demand. The purpose of the study was to establish the level of quality of studying chemistry in the conditions of distance learning and to determine the factors affecting the success of students. The main tasks: to conduct a qualitative observation of the methods of conducting laboratory and practical work (experiments) during online classes and the attitude of students to distance learning and to study the influence of practical and laboratory work (experiments) in chemistry on the quality of knowledge and the identification of students' misconceptions in chemistry that arose during distance learning.
It was established that the main common problems for chemistry teachers were finding ways to conduct laboratory and practical work, identifying false (false) ideas and diagnostic tools. According to the results of the student survey, the main disadvantages of distance learning in general and conducting laboratory-practical classes in particular were determined: loss of direct contact, problems with the Internet, lack of light, understanding of the material, lack of skills in working with laboratory equipment, inability to manage time, unfair assessment, as well as the fact that that teachers conduct classes too quickly, leaving no time for questions and discussion. This, obviously, reduces interest in disciplines, understanding of certain concepts and quality of knowledge and level of success. Increasing the share of school and home experiments in chemistry contributed to interest in the subject, understanding of the topic and had a positive effect on the quality of knowledge. According to the results of four knowledge controls, positive dynamics were observed: the average increase was 0.66 points: from 0.2 (for 7th grade students) to 1.1 points (for 11th grade students). The use of conversations and various multi-level tests allows not only to discover which ideas and knowledge students have, but also to understand what actions need to be taken to eliminate them.
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