«French workshops» in the science education of Ukraine
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innovative technologies, science education, «workshop» technology, French Group of New Education, teaching methods of natural sciences

How to Cite

«French workshops» in the science education of Ukraine. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 5, 7-13. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2023-5-7-13


Modernization of the education system of Ukraine involves the analysis of foreign experience in the organization of educational activities and consideration of the best practices as one among other tasks. Therefore, in the context of the research, it is important to analyze the achievements of French education, which are related to the activities of the public movement of the new education GFEN (the French Group of New Education). This movement arose in the 20s of the ХХ century within the framework of the International League of New Education activities. GFEN representatives supported the education of a conscious citizen of the state, who is capable of critical thinking, who is free to express his opinions. They also created schools of a new type. It was GFEN representatives who developed the «workshop» technology.

Representatives of the GFEN movement proclaim that every child is capable. It is only necessary to create conditions for the development of their creative abilities with the help of certain forms, methods and techniques of teaching. Later, this slogan was added by «All researchers!», «All creators!».

The article reveals the essence of the «workshop» technology as an innovative learning technology, indicates its advantages and disadvantages, describes in detail the stages of implementing the technology in the educational process and features its usage on natural sciences lessons.

The application of the technology of French workshops contributes to the creative growth of the personality of schoolchildren and the construction of their knowledge during the time of learning, gaining their own experience in solving educational situations. The «workshop» as a technology implies compliance with a certain algorithm, a sequence of such stages as: induction, self- construction, socio-construction, socialization, advertising, «disruption», reflection.

The usage of the «workshop» technology interests students and makes them co-creators of the lesson, who independently construct their knowledge of the subject.

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