Improving the quality of physics teaching as a traditionally relevant and multiple-planned educational problem
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problems of teaching physics, quality of teaching physics, structure and content of physical education, variable educational models, scientific and technical potential of Ukraine

How to Cite

Improving the quality of physics teaching as a traditionally relevant and multiple-planned educational problem. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 79-87.


The article provides an analysis of the situation that developed during the martial law in the education system of Ukraine in general and in physical education in particular. It is emphasized that the solution of educational problems cannot be effectively implemented at this stage, as well as completed for a long period, because in the near future many approaches to educational reality will be rethought in society, and the state will change the requirements for the quality of education due to objective reasons. Therefore, the educational system of our country will be in a state of revival and development based on the preservation of its traditions and heritage, but with the formation of a new set of national educational values. It was determined that the main task of the higher school today is to preserve the student body and the implementation of curricula and educational programs within the limits of objective possibilities, and the most important thing is an individual approach to each student, providing him with assistance in choosing a personal educational trajectory, realizing value and meaning orientations. Emphasis is placed on the fact that at the current stage, any transformations in education that are not sufficiently thought out and substantiated will be harmful to it. The specific problems of teaching physics are identified separately, in particular, the catastrophic decrease in the number of students in the specialty, in which professional training is based on physics as a basic discipline, although today the role of physics as a leader of natural science remains the leading one. It was emphasized that the restoration and replenishment of the scientific and technical potential of Ukraine should begin with paying primary attention to the training of physics teachers. Priority measures to revive physics teacher training in Ukraine and increase its prestige are proposed. It has been proven that the list of directions of training and specialties of the physical and technical direction needs to be revised, taking into account the needs of science and technology, because in the near future the country will need specialists of a modern level, which requires training in the conditions of variable educational models. Specific ways of improving the quality of physics education are proposed based on the review of the structure and content of physical education, ensuring its openness, and the mutual influence of different educational systems.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Микола Шут, Людмила Благодаренко, Тарас Січкар, Сергій Василенко