Using constructive innovations in geography lessons in the New ukrainian school
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constructive innovations, AR/VR/MR technologies, virtual landscape, 3-D model, computer game, experiment

How to Cite

Using constructive innovations in geography lessons in the New ukrainian school. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 37-50.


The article justifies the application of new directions in the development of geographical science and their use in geography lessons in the New Ukrainian School. The aim of the article is to analyze the possibilities of using constructive innovations in geography lessons for elementary school students and to develop the main ways of their implementation in the educational process. The article proposes that AR/VR/MR technologies can be effectively used in the educational process, scientific research, expanding the creative abilities of talented youth, and the full development of people with disabilities.

Virtual reality allows for the modification of scenarios, the ability to influence the course of experiments, or the ability to solve tasks in a gaming and accessible format. By immersing themselves in a virtual world for educational or research purposes, students can focus on the necessary material without being distracted by external stimuli, as the field of view is 360 degrees. In the context of distance learning, participants in the educational process can be remote from educational institutions. One of the main advantages of using virtual technologies in education is the ability to learn at any time and in any place, providing greater flexibility and accessibility to education for students from different parts of the world. Of course, virtual education cannot fully replace traditional, in-class forms of education. However, virtual technologies can be a very useful tool for complementing traditional education and providing additional opportunities for students in the learning process.

Modern technologies allow us to create incredible virtual landscapes that are almost identical to natural ones in terms of sound and visual effects, making it possible to imagine and

analyze the dynamics of natural and anthropogenic phenomena. It is time for their widespread use not only in explaining complex laws but also in creating educational platforms in geography or other related natural sciences, integrating them with each other.

For an effective transition from subject-centeredness to child-centeredness, it is important to search for and then apply appropriate constructive innovations in the educational process. This will not only allow for better assimilation of geography material based on visualization but also awaken scientific interest among students and activate their participation in scientific research work.

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