Practical work as a means of implementing an activity-based approach to teaching biology in high school at the profile level
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activity-based approach, profile level, subject competence, expected learning outcomes, skills, biology and ecology

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Practical work as a means of implementing an activity-based approach to teaching biology in high school at the profile level. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 6, 9-16.


The article deals with the problem of forming subject competence in the application of an activity-based approach to the study of biology in high school. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to identify and substantiate specific examples of the application of the activity approach in the course of practical work in biology in the 10th grade of high school at the specialized level. It is shown that the current stage is preparatory to the implementation of the education reform in Ukraine (New Ukrainian School) in high school. Research methods: theoretical (analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison, etc.), which were used to identify the peculiarities of using practical work in high school biology lessons; empirical (pedagogical observation) - to finalize the conclusions and prospects for further research. It is indicated that practical work in biology, provided in the school curriculum for grades 10-11 at the specialized level, provides ample opportunities for the formation of skills and abilities necessary for life in modern society. The article identifies the topics of specific practical works from the general list of them in the school curriculum in the topics "Introduction" and "Biodiversity". The possible ways and methodology of their implementation for the effective formation of subject competence in biology are shown. The implementation of these practical works involves the analytical activity of students, their identification of important components in the general array of biological information, the use of various sources and means to obtain information with the subsequent critical assessment of their reliability. It is recommended to use a number of modern mobile applications that simplify the process of plant identification - Plant Identifier & Care, Planti: Plant Care, Lovely: plants care journal, etc. The article notes that the practical work "Calculation of basic statistical indicators for comparing the variability of biological objects" is the basis for the formation of critical thinking skills and the application of the method of scientific knowledge, which is defined in the school curriculum as the expected learning outcomes. The author emphasizes the expediency of using the group method of teaching during practical work not only for the effective implementation of the activity approach, but also for the formation of students' communicative competence. The examples and methodology of performing certain practical works given in the article will help teachers to effectively use the activity approach to achieve the expected results of teaching biology to high school students at the profile level.

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