Development of the ability of future science teachers to put the environmental component into practice
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environmental education, environmental component of teaching, competency-based learning, key and subject competencies, project-based learning, competency-targeted tasks

How to Cite

Development of the ability of future science teachers to put the environmental component into practice. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 6, 124-131.


A shift of the science and technology from eco-unfriendly to nature-friendly is reflected in environmental education, which is aimed at improving of the moral values, consumption structure and relationship between human and nature. The purpose of research is to consider the directions of development of the ability of the students to put the environmental component of education into practice upon learning the teaching of the subjects in the higher education institutions. The author discusses the changes being made in the last update of the chemistry curriculum for the secondary school (2017) in accordance with the conception “New Ukrainian school 2016”, dealing with the requirements for the development of the key subject competencies as well as the new structural element of the program “Through content lines” intended to the implementation of the competency-based approach in teaching chemistry. The author suggests that the deep understanding of these changes by the students, especially in the course of mastering by the students such a core competencies as “Environmental awareness and healthy lifestyle”, “Basic competencies in science and technology” is an essential requirement for development of being able to put the environmental component of education into a future practice, that performs in two ways: project-based learning and competency-based learning with the focus on the green tasks.
Project-based learning as an educational approach combines research, creative and problem-solving techniques. It was found that combined use of these methods at the different steps of projects life cycles allows shifting the focus from just reproduction of an array of knowledge by the students to the motivative educational journey, which encourages cognitive interest and promotes thinking of the future teachers.
Carrying out the projects on various topics, resolving the competency-targeted tasks, cross-disciplinary approach assumes sequentially structured work of the students on solving some tasks that is generally aimed at development of the students’ ability to put the environmental component of education into future practice.

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