digital storytelling, teachers of professional training, digitalization of society, digitalization, students of professional education, methodical system
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digital storytelling, teachers of professional training, digitalization of society, digitalization, students of professional education, methodical system. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 5, 101-109.


Active development of informatization and digitization processes in Ukraine requires updating the professional training of vocational education recipients in the field of light industry in accordance with trends in the labor market, searching for ways of their quality training. The purpose of the article is to justify the need to outline the ways and system of implementing methodical means of training vocational education seekers in the context of using digital storytelling. During the experiment, the content of the concepts «storytelling» and «digital storytelling» was determined; their features and peculiarities are revealed, the ways of introducing digital storytelling into the educational process of training teachers of vocational training are outlined. The presented research was carried out in two stages: theoretical (analysis, comparison and systematization of literature and regulatory documents regarding the research problem, the acquired experience of using digital storytelling among teachers of professional education; conversations and interviews with students, questionnaires, classification, generalization of theoretical data to evaluate opinions authors regarding the level of research and determining the importance of the researched issues) and practical (pedagogical observations; expert evaluation; experiment; methods of mathematical statistics, evaluation of results using methods of mathematical statistics in order to check the relevance of the provided author's methodology). The set of skills of a modern specialist is highlighted in the study, namely: complex problem solving, critical thinking, mobility, creativity, leadership qualities, time management, coordination of actions with others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision-making, orientation service, negotiation, cognitive flexibility, digital storytelling. The following types of storytelling are identified and substantiated: text, multimedia, digital, transmedia, live storytelling. A survey of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions in different cities of Ukraine and methodologists of various specialties was conducted in order to find ways to introduce digital storytelling into the educational process. According to the results of the conducted research, the promising directions of using digital storytelling in the process of training students of professional education have been determined.

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