Methodological features of teaching natural disciplines using the emergency-integrative approach
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natural and scientific disciplines, integrative-emergent approach, scientific picture of the world, quantum properties of light, fundamental interactions, unification theories

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Methodological features of teaching natural disciplines using the emergency-integrative approach. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 5, 31-42.


The article is devoted to the search for the possibilities of implementing an emergent-integrative approach to the training of future teachers of natural sciences in the process of mastering the cycle of fundamental sciences: physics, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, cosmogony.

The possibility of one of the variants of the system-integrative approach to the structuring and study of educational material about fundamental interactions in nature and the current state of the process of combining the physical theories that describe them is substantiated.

As research methods, a comprehensive analysis of scientific and methodological sources was used, in which a unified approach to solving pedagogical problems is represented, and a synthesis of the relevant research results published in scientific and pedagogical publications, with the results of the author's work on their experimental implementation in educational practice. We practice teaching the integrative content of the material about fundamental interactions in nature consistently in the form of several stages. First, the nature of all fundamental interactions, their general characteristics, comparative data on the magnitude of numerical values, manifestation of fundamental interactions (forces) in physics, astronomy, chemistry, etc. are considered. The next stage consists in determining the influence of the change in the numerical values of the world constants on the evolution of the universe. After that, modern theories are considered at a qualitative level, which try to combine all fundamental interactions into a single system (scientific picture of the world).

As a result of the conducted research, the possibilities of an integrative study of the material about fundamental interactions in nature and their quantum-statistical nature have been clarified. Their fundamentally opposite properties have been determined (long-range nature of gravitational and electromagnetic interactions and short-range – weak and strong), which in combination determine the structural unity and evolution of our universe, the possibility of the existence of a plurality of other universes, the property of inexhaustible «crushing» of matter into smaller and smaller particles, thereby confirming the dialectic of unity and the struggle of opposites.

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