Genesis of the key educational competences of students on the basis of sequence of physics learnin
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key competences, continuity of education, mechanical phenomena, science education branch

How to Cite

Genesis of the key educational competences of students on the basis of sequence of physics learnin. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 51-57.


The article highlights the process of development of key educational competencies on the basis of the continuity of teaching physics on the example of mechanical phenomena, in the keys to secondary education of the II degree. The researched issue of ensuring the implementation of continuity in the formation of integral knowledge of subjects in the field of natural science education.

Pedagogical conditions necessary to ensure the implementation of the principle of continuity of subjects in the field of natural sciences have been identified and substantiated, taking into account the strategic goal - the formation of competences in the field of natural sciences.

A set of characteristics is promoted for the design of educational competencies in the study of mechanical phenomena. According to the division of the content of education at the level - general meta-subject and subject.

The necessary criteria for the selection of content and teaching methods in the process of mastering the physical component of the scientific educational field by students on the basis of propaedeutic knowledge acquired at previous educational stages, in order to develop key and general educational competencies, have been researched and substantiated.

A number of methods aimed at improving the formation of physical concepts during the study of mechanical phenomena in second-level secondary education institutions were advanced. Pedagogical procedures necessary for the development of key and general educational competencies on the basis of the continuity of teaching physics on the example of mechanical phenomena are highlighted. Reasonable pedagogical conditions necessary to ensure the possibility of implementing the continuity of the formation of physical concepts when studying any physical phenomena, in particular, when studying mechanical phenomena in institutions of secondary education of the II degree, which ensure qualitative changes in the formation of physical concepts, as well as continuity, as one of confirmed principles of students' assimilation of physical knowledge, connects the entire educational process into a unified picture of the world.

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