The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical study of psychological features of self-efficacy of wives of combatants. The influence of the situation of uncertainty on women who remain in the rear in the absence of their husbands, as well as after their return home, is investigated. The concept of self-efficacy as a psychological resource that helps to adapt to difficult life conditions is analysed, and the factors that influence its formation are identified. Particular attention is paid to comparing the emotional state of wives with the level of their social inclusion.
It is established that women often face emotional exhaustion, social pressure, economic difficulties and lack of support. It has been found that responsibility for the family is a key motivator for the active search for internal and external resources. Among these resources are social support, development of new professional skills, deepening relationships with children and involvement in volunteer activities. It has been determined that the psychological state of men after demobilisation significantly affects the adaptation of wives to new family conditions.
The results of the study show that difficult life situations are a test of women's physical and psychological resilience, while contributing to the development of their self-efficacy. The data obtained can be useful for psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers in creating psychological support programmes for wives of combatants and their families. Recommendations are offered for the development of programmes aimed at balancing the emotional state of women, developing effective communication skills and self-help methods. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of identifying and restoring individual resources necessary to improve the adaptation and harmonious functioning of military families.
Prospects for further work to improve the physical, emotional, psychological and moral states of wives of combatants are identified, and the peculiarities of personal resources that help women cope with the difficulties associated with uncertainty and separation are also investigated. The results obtained can be useful for psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers.The article can help in the development of new psychological support programmes for wives of combatants and their families.
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