Ethics of publication and reviewing


All manuscripts (articles) submitted to the editorial board for publication in the journal are subject to a review procedure to form an objective assessment of the content of the article, determine the relevance of the materials to the subject matter and requirements of the journal, and scientific literacy.

The authors of the articles are fully responsible for the content of the articles and for the fact of their publication.

The procedure for reviewing manuscripts:

- Materials submitted to the editorial board via the website or e-mail are checked for compliance with the scientific profile of the journal and its thematic sections.

- Manuscripts must meet the formatting requirements of the journal and must be checked for textual borrowings (plagiarism). Manuscripts that do not correspond to the subject matter of the journal, are not formatted according to the requirements or have signs of plagiarism are not allowed for further consideration for publication in our journal. The editorial board informs the authors of the decision to consider or not to consider the manuscript within 5 working days.

- All manuscripts must undergo a peer review process. We adhere to the principle of double-blind (anonymous) peer review, so reviewers and authors do not know each other's names. For this purpose, all personal data about the authors, their place of work, and reviewers are removed from all materials and file names in advance. By the decision of the editorial board, only manuscripts that have received a positive review are allowed to be published.

- Reviewing is carried out by leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the relevant fields of knowledge who have published works in the field of environmental education, environmental psychology, research of environmental problems of the environment, issues of balanced nature management, environmental monitoring.

- The review of the article is carried out according to the following criteria: relevance to the subject matter of the journal; literacy of the material; significance of the article; originality and scientific novelty; clarity of the goal and objectives; completeness of the description of the research methodology; explanation of the experimental data; validity of the conclusions; relevance of the sources cited; correctness of citations.

- The editorial board of the journal sends the authors of manuscripts comments and suggestions of reviewers for revision of materials or a reasoned refusal. In the case of the reviewer's recommendations to make corrections to the prepared manuscript, the author(s) may take into account the comments when preparing an updated version of the article or refute them with reason. The corrected version of the manuscript is reviewed again.

- The date of recommendation of the article for publication in the journal is the date of receipt by the editorial board of the reviewer's positive opinion on the possibility of publishing the article.

- Literary and technical editing of the manuscript takes place only after receiving a positive reviewer's opinion.

- The editorial board reserves the right to refuse to publish an article in case of two negative reviews, plagiarism, unwillingness of the author/authors to format the work in accordance with the requirements of the journal, inability to take into account the reviewer's comments or to justify the refusal to correct.

- The recommendation for the publication of the next issue of the journal (with the content) is made by the Academic Council of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University and recorded in the relevant protocol.