The article presents a composite model of preserving the mental health of volunteer psychologists. The scientific and practical generalisation that became the scientific basis for designing the model includes the leading ideas of modern psychology, achievements in psychological assistance to the population affected by military operations in Ukraine, and the main vectors of training of psychology specialists.
Scientific approaches to analysing the psychological aspects of volunteering, including the phenomena of professional burnout and secondary traumatisation, are considered. The complex challenges of psychological practice of volunteers are described, in particular, emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and intense experience of someone else's trauma.
A conceptual model of preserving the mental health of volunteer psychologists is proposed, which is projected through the prism of the resulting and procedural mechanisms of social and psychological adaptation of the individual. The structure of preserving the mental health of volunteer psychologists, which is formed under the influence of individual psychological factors (compassion for clients, risk-taking, healthy lifestyle) and social factors (availability of psychological education and non-formal education, regulation of working hours and participation in supervision), is allocated. These structures, combined with the emotional-affective, communicative, cognitive, behavioral, emotional and volitional components of social and psychological adaptation, can present a holistic view of the mental health of volunteer psychologists.
Also, the model presents the structure of professional burnout of volunteer psychologists, which passes through the prism of personality maladjustment with its components: emotional and affective, communicative, cognitive, behavioral, emotional and volitional. Professional burnout is formed in the combination of individual psychological characteristics of volunteer psychologists (empathy, witness trauma, bad habits, such as smoking) and social factors of influence on the personality (lack of education, irregular working hours, lack of supervision and support from colleagues).
The article outlines the prospects for further research, in particular, on the development of effective psychological support programs for volunteers, as well as the study of the long-term consequences of their activities for professional and personal development.
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