Психологічна стійкість як складова професійної інтеграції особистості в умовах сучасних викликів
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Ключові слова

ситуація невизначеності, особистість, професійна інтеграція, психологічна стійкість, професійна діяльність

Як цитувати

Паламарчук, О., & Габа, І. (2024). Психологічна стійкість як складова професійної інтеграції особистості в умовах сучасних викликів. Personality and Environmental Issues, 3(1), 5-11. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-6033-2024-3(1)-5-11


The article explores the critical role of psychological stability in an individual's professional integration amidst modern challenges. The focus is on understanding how psychological stability influences professional integration during uncertain times.

Global challenges of our time are dominated by disagreement, imbalance, and increasing risks of chaos and threats to overall security, contrasting with the need for integration, connectivity, coherence, and order. Amidst economic instability, geopolitical conflicts, significant stress, information overload, physical and mental fatigue, and lifestyle changes, professional integration becomes crucial for ensuring stability, self-realization, and psychological well-being.

Professional integration is a process that combines a person's skills, knowledge, values, and experiences to succeed in their professional activities. It ties to professional status, which reflects an individual's position in the professional structure, impacting their economic situation and the role they play within the professional relations system.

Modern professional integration extends beyond specific professional activities. It involves planning a specialist's entire career path, where psychological stability is a key aspect. Psychological stability, characterized by balance and resistance, allows an individual to withstand life's challenges, adverse circumstances, and maintain physical and mental health and work capacity during professional integration.

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