Published 2025-01-02
- design activity, students of higher education, graphic competence, digital learning tools, professional training, decorative and applied arts
Copyright (c) 2024 Світлана Кізім, Тетяна Зузяк, Оксана Марущак, Віктор Соловей
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Abstract. The detection of a slowdown in the level of experience and skills formed in graduates from the real practical expert context leads to the need to review and transform the educational complex. Modern professional training of future higher education graduates in decorative arts is characterized by updating methodological material and innovative technological and software tools, advanced technologies, methods and forms of training. An important element of educational innovations is the revision of professional competencies and changing their content component. The article considers the intensification of educational and methodological support and the formation of a graphic vector for the development of recognized competencies using the example of training future higher education graduates in decorative arts. A special role is given to the development of visual competence as a response to the modern pace of improving the software and hardware support of professional training, the introduction of new digital learning technologies, and the needs of the professional sphere in highly qualified specialists. The article examines the features of the use of traditional graphic techniques and digital technologies at all stages of the design activity of future students of higher education in decorative arts. An analysis of the thinking processes that accompany the creation of a creative project of a decorative and applied art product is presented. The advantages of using digital technologies in the educational process of students of higher education in decorative arts at the final stages of design are shown. It is proven that the modern digital environment plays an important role in the development of professional competencies, in particular graphic ones when creating decorative and applied art products. It is proven that for future specialists in decorative arts it is critically important not only to master new innovative tools, but also to actively apply them in practice, contributing to their professional growth and effective interaction in the educational environment.
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