The article reveals the theoretical aspects of environmental education and environmental awareness in the structure of professional training. It is noted that the state of the environment and the ecological crisis actualize the need for the development of environmental awareness and culture through the prism of environmental education for modern Ukrainian society. The article also analyzes several interpretations of the concept of "ecological consciousness". As a result of this, It is concluded that the individual ecological consciousness is understood as the highest level of individual’s reflection of the environment and reality, which ensures the harmonious coexistence and interaction of man and nature. The signs, structure, and main properties of the individual ecological consciousness are specified. It is indicated that its development takes place throughout a person's life, but in older youth, this process becomes especially intensive in connection with the acquisition of professional education, which sets personal worldview guidelines and principles of attitude to the environment. Environmental education plays an important role in the formation of a person's ecological consciousness. It is a complex process, that is designed to form a person's responsibility for the preservation and renewal of nature, to realize its vital value in practice. As a result of environmental education, environmental knowledge is transformed into environmental beliefs, the development of environmental skills, and environmental behavior. Education for sustainable development should contribute to the further spread of the teaching of the subject "Social ecology" in higher education institutions that train specialists in socionomic professions. In conclusion, It is determined that by forming an ecological worldview, we form an ecologically conscious and responsible personality of the future specialist, thereby providing a path to the sustainable development of our country.
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