The article highlights the results of the theoretical analysis of the concept of "psychological readiness" as a state of readiness to act or react to a trigger. "Psychological readiness for professional activity", in turn, is seen as a positive attitude towards the value and meaning of the professional role and acceptance of one's ability to perform it. The main structural components of the psychological readiness of an individual for professional activity, which includes operational, emotional, socio-psychological, psychophysiological components, have been considered. It has been indicated that psychological readiness for the profession is an important component of the student's self-improvement, promotes self-realisation in the professional sphere. The peculiarity of psychological readiness for professional activity of military personnel has been highlighted. The importance of emotional intelligence and empathy as a component of a person's psychological readiness for professional activity has been noted. A high correlation between the development of emotional intelligence and the components of psychological readiness has been determined, namely: the influence of intrapersonal emotional intelligence on the cognitive-target component of psychological readiness; the influence of interpersonal emotional intelligence on the behavioural component of psychological readiness as a factor in ensuring the successful professional activity of specialists of different profiles. The mandatory inclusion of methods of studying emotional intelligence and empathy in the study of psychological readiness of a person for professional activity has been suggested.
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