The article provides a theoretical reflection on the interpretations of the concepts of volunteering and volunteer activity in terms of their use in regulatory documents, as well as in the scientific discourse of foreign and domestic research. Two approaches to understanding volunteering are identified: institutional and social. It is substantiated that the institutional approach is based on the principles of integrity, organic solidarity, a combination of objective and subjective, and focuses on the involvement of organisations, governments and institutions in the promotion and support of volunteering. It is argued that volunteering as a social approach is implemented through the independent interconnection (social community) of people as subjects of volunteer activity, who have formed social values, interests, attitudes as the basis for the formation of the social identity of the community, demonstrate a responsible attitude and satisfaction with volunteering.
It is established that the main functions of volunteering include mobilisation, social stabilisation, formation and development of civil society, regulatory, stimulating, communicative, as well as socialisation functions of self-knowledge, self-affirmation and professionalisation. Volunteering is seen as a type of activity based on the principles of freedom from external coercion, the possibility of choosing an action option, altruism, and activities outside of family and friendship. The features of volunteering as an activity are its procedural nature and positive orientation, as well as the implementation of this work in free time. The structure of volunteering is revealed through the motivational, cognitive, emotional and volitional components. Volunteer activity can be aimed at implementing three multidirectional aspects: ensuring the impact of active people on the specific historical situation in society; ensuring the impact of the most important activity on the personal properties of the person involved in this activity; obtaining significant competencies and specific knowledge, skills and abilities by the person involved in this activity.
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