Published 2025-01-02
- dance, drama and performance; performing arts; The quality Assurance Agency; Subject Benchmark Statement Dance, Drama and Performance; Quality Code; inclusion
Copyright (c) 2024 Олена Верещагіна-Білявська, Тетяна Зузяк, Anastasia Mala
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Based on the analysis of the content of the documents of The quality Assurance Agency, namely Quality Code and Subject Benchmark Statement Dance, Drama and Performance, updated in March 2024, the main principles and approaches to the training of choreographers in UK higher education institutions were identified. The study of foreign experience for the purpose of its use in the practice of Ukrainian higher education is of particular relevance in connection with the new concept of choreographic education and the correction of the name of the speciality ‘Choreography’ to ‘Performing Arts’ according to the International Standard Classification of Education ISCED-F 2013.
It is emphasised that the update of the criteria for the approach to the training of specialists in Dance, Drama and Performance is due to the unusual breadth of practice in universities, conservatories and theatre schools throughout the UK. Developed by practicing dancers, educators and students, the updated criteria for the approach to the training of Dance, Drama and Performance specialists reflect both professional and general and conceptual aspects of courses at different levels of higher education.
It is determined that the updated approach to education provides an opportunity to acquire not only technical skills of a dancer, but also to form a deep understanding of the creative industry and its context within specific cultural, social and historical periods. This enables graduates to realise their potential not only in the field of performing choreographic creativity, but also in other areas, including artistic management.
The main principles in the approach to the professional training of choreographers are defined: a combination of theory and practice; reliance on the creativity of applicants; multidisciplinarity; formation of socially active behaviour; focus on autonomy and inclusive practices. Taking into account the peculiarities of applicants with special educational needs is becoming relevant in the context of modern Ukrainian realities and requires a separate study. The article describes a number of features of the educational process, including the use of various creative methods, practices, disciplines and areas; formation of research skills of students.
As a result of identifying the main principles and approaches to the training of choreographers declared in the Subject Benchmark Dance, Drama and Performance, it is concluded that they demonstrate the dynamic and contradictory nature of cultural practices in dance education, emphasising the principles of adaptability and innovation. The study of the practical experience of implementing Subject Benchmark Dance, Drama and Performance concept will allow to identify its positive aspects and adapt it to the conditions of training specialists in Ukraine.
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- The quality Assurance Agency: назва з екрану. URL:
- Dance, Drama and Performance. Subject Benchmark Statement: назва з екрану URL: