Research objective. One of the approaches to reduce the level of anthropogenic pressure on natural ecosystems is to form a network of protected habitats in areas that are intensively used by humans. An attempt was made to determine the abundance of flora and fauna and environmental efficiency in the context of intensive agricultural development in the small Podillya reserve «Ivankivskyi».
Methodology. The flora and fauna of the territory on the outskirts of the village Ivanky of Vinnytsia district (Lypovets territorial community) were studied with the help of generally accepted and modified methods. It was conducted to determine the environmental value of the territory, the possibility of functioning within its protected area and at the same time preserving the forms of traditional use by the locals. The birds of the territory as the largest structural component of its fauna are studied in the most detail. The factual material was collected during field research for all the seasons of 2019-2020. Materials of scientific publications, professional literature, oral reports of specialists, etc. were processed. For all species of birds, the nature of the stay on the territory, belonging to different ecological and faunal groups were established: by nesting place and dominant food spectrum.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2022 Oleksandr Matviichuk, Oksana Shevchuk, Liudmyla Holunova, Olena Khodanitska, Olesya Tkachuk; Stepan Polyvanyi