Published 2024-12-27
- artificial intelligence, neural networks, LLM, chat GPT, educational process, design, creativity
Copyright (c) 2024 Володимир Уманець, Віктор Соловей, Людмила Любарська, Богдан Розпутня
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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The article presents a methodology for applying artificial intelligence technologies to stimulate the creative thinking of future designers during their professional training. The authors highlight the significance of fostering creativity among designers, emphasizing that creative thinking and original solutions are essential for developing innovative design products. Simultaneously, the researchers indicate that artificial intelligence technologies present a vast array of possibilities for fostering the creative potential of the individual, enabling the generation of novel ideas, rapid analysis of vast quantities of information, and the modeling of groundbreaking design solutions.
The objective of this article is to examine the utilisation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the stimulation of creative thinking among prospective designers throughout their professional training. To achieve this objective, the authors elucidate the essence and significance of creativity as a pivotal competency for contemporary designers, examine the potential of AI technologies employed in design activities to enhance creative thinking among professionals, and justify methodological approaches to integrating AI tools into the professional training of designers to cultivate their creative abilities.
In the course of the study, the authors undertake a detailed examination of the features of utilising the capabilities of the DALL-E neural network, with a view to generating original creative ideas, creating visualisations of concepts, and accelerating the sketching process. The authors examine the incorporation of the GPT-3 language model with the objective of automating the collection of requisite textual data and enhancing interaction with prospective customers throughout the project development phase.
Based on the findings of the study, specific recommendations for the integration of AI tools are put forth with the aim of optimizing the educational process of future design professionals, increasing its interactivity and effectiveness. The potential for organizing creative student competitions, collective brainstorming sessions, and scientific experiments using AI is discussed.
The authors demonstrate that the implementation of the proposed approaches will contribute to the training of a new generation of designers who are equipped to effectively compete in the modern creative labor market. The study demonstrates that the incorporation of artificial intelligence technologies to enhance the quality of training for future design professionals is a promising avenue for exploration. The integration of AI tools presents novel opportunities for fostering creativity, advancing professional competencies, and enhancing the competitiveness of future designers.
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