No. 3 (2024)
Conceptual foundations of art education


Iryna Shvets
Liudmyla Vasylevska-Skupa
Nataliia Kravtsova
Тetiana Belinska

Published 2024-12-27


  • cultural and artistic space, martial law, ideology, music

How to Cite

CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC SPACE OF VINNYTSIA REGION: NEW FORMATS OF INTERACTION WITH THE AUDIENCE IN THE REALITIES OF  WAR. (2024). Art in Contemporary Culture: Theory and Practice of Teaching, 3. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1017-2024(3)-04


The article, based on theoretical research, analyzes the current situation and directions of the development of culture and art of Vinnytsia region in the realities of martial law. The specificity of the war in Ukraine as a phenomenon that occurs not only in the physical, but also in the cultural and artistic space is determined.

 It is noted that the cultural and artistic space is an effective tool in the war, because the ability to influence the audience, inspire Victory, and help to feel complicity in historical events is integrated into the music, song, and theatrical art itself. The article reveals the powerful ideological potential of the cultural and artistic space of Vinnytsia, which is realized through an artistic and emotional form. It is emphasized that a de-Russification took place on the territory of the cultural and artistic space of Vinnytsia, which affected the language of performance and the ideological content of concert programs, creative events, and theatrical productions. Instead of Russian content, artists promote national art, perform works of Ukrainian classics and modern composers, promote modern Ukrainian poetry. One of the positive results of such activity can be considered the distancing of the Vinnytsia community from the Russian cultural space, the growth of interest in Ukrainian-language content in general.

In this context, the main areas of activity of the leading regional centers of culture and arts, creative collectives and institutions of Vinnytsia Region, which work under martial law conditions, were investigated, in particular: the Vinnytsia Regional Philharmonic named after M. D. Leontovych, the Vinnytsia Academic Music and Drama Theater named after Mykola Sadovskyi, the Vinnytsia Regional Academic Puppet Theater, the «Pirogov Sky» open-air cultural and artistic space, the «Shchedryk» creative space, the «Kvadrat» youth center, and the prospects for their further development are outlined.

The theoretical research gave grounds for the conclusion that the cultural and artistic space of Vinnytsia in the realities of war is actively introducing new forms of interaction with the audience. It has become not only an entertainment, but also an educational and intellectual-educational environment that effectively influences society by promoting national art. Being an effective means of communication, the cultural and artistic space of the region also unites people, creates positive emotions in them, and returns Ukrainians to normal life in the new military reality.


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