Educational activities in specialized children's art institutions of Podillia in the second half of the 20th century
Published 2023-10-30
- Podillia, educational activities, Buchach Children's Art School, Vinnytsia Children's Art School, Kamianets-Podilskyi Children's Art School, Khmelnytskyi Children's Art School, Ternopil Children's Art Schol
Copyright (c) 2023 Tetiana Zuziak, Oksana Marushchak, Viktor Solovei, Inna Shvets
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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The article is devoted to the coverage of educational activities in specialized children's art institutions of Podillia in the second half of the twentieth century. Solving the complex tasks of integrating art education into the European educational space is impossible without a thorough study of one's own historical past, familiarization with the legacy of the teachers-artists who stood at the origins of art education in Podillia. The problem of educational activities in specialized children's art institutions in Podillіa is quite urgent. In modern society, among educational institutions that perform the educational and educational function of artistic direction at a high level, few can compete with the work of children's art schools. Art education in Podillіa has historical traditions and is important to study. The analysis of archival sources and periodicals of the studied period allows us to state that only from the second half of the XXth century. the first children's art schools appear in Podillіa, in particular Buchachska, Vinnytsia, Kamianets-Podilska, Khmelnytska and Ternopil. Research into the history of practical training in artistic educational institutions of Podillia showed that drawing, painting, composition, sculpture, art history were key and were studied in all schools, which means that regardless of the settlement and the teaching staff, professional training was conducted at a high level. and all schools produced highly qualified pupils and future artists. It has been proven that the main program tasks set by teachers of art schools included learning the basics of fine art, developing spiritual qualities and understanding beauty. The implementation of these tasks took place through traditional and innovative forms and methods of education. Classes in the subjects «drawing», «painting», «composition» and «sculpture» were classes of artistic research, because the students acquired not only professional skills, but first of all, learned to think outside the box and fantasize. An equally important task for teachers of art schools was the development of imagination, creative thinking, visual memory of students, using a variety of art materials and techniques. It has been proven that the system of consistent development of art education was laid as the basis of education in schools, namely, the foundation was laid for the successive transmission of the traditions of a realistic depiction of the world to future generations, and the implementation of pre-professional training. It is proven that the main principle of the educational process – the unity of learning and creativity – was formed in the period under consideration. We consider the analysis of the formation and development of professional art education in Podillіа to be a perspective for further research.
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