Published 2025-01-02
- author’s doll; integrated learning; interdisciplinary interactions; technology teaching; STEAM project; professional training of a technology teacher; creative development
Copyright (c) 2024 Ірина Шимкова, Світлана Цвілик, Володимир Гаркушевський, Віктор Соловей
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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The article examines the features of the methodology for using STEAM projects for making original dolls in the professional training of future technology teachers in higher education institutions. The development of creative abilities as a systemic aspect of the theoretical and practical training of future teachers is built into the holistic educational process of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) on the principles of STEAM.
In the implementation of the STEAM project, we assign a special role to personally oriented learning, when the creative abilities of higher education students and a stable motivation for integrated learning of disciplines of general and vocational training cycles are formed. In the implementation of the STEAM project, students develop the abilities of creative and critical thinking in solving problems and overcoming difficulties in practical activities. STEAM projects are distinguished by active communication and teamwork of participants in discussing and expressing opinions. Education students select design objects, offer original creative tasks - interdisciplinary STEAM projects, which can be useful in integrating technical, graphic and artistic disciplines of technology teacher training.
It was established that the STEAM project for making an author’s doll is an effective means of involving students in creative activities, develops creative abilities, forms aesthetic taste, and improves handcraft techniques with fibrous materials. The STEAM project for making an author’s doll used special software to create digital models of dolls, design doll clothes and accessories. At the planning stage, an analysis of varieties of textile dolls created by famous designers was carried out. In the methodological preparation of the STEAM project, the educational process was aimed at implementing interdisciplinary interactions, forming a system of general and professional competencies of future teachers of technologies with a creative aspect, who have the opportunity to master not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills in the technologies of artistic processing of materials.
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