The purpose of the article is to analyze the memories based on the memoirs and other sources of August Ivansky, namely to focus on the period of his life associated with the events of the January Uprising. Show how he was involved in organizing the resistance, what happened to him during the uprising itself and how the consequences of his participation in these events affected his later life. The methodological basis of the research is general historical methods (analysis and synthesis), as well as the principles of scientificity, historicism, and objectivity. The scientific novelty is that the article analyzes the everyday life of a Polish nobleman during the January Uprising. The life of prisoners in the Kyiv fortress is shown through the eyes of a Polish nobleman. The article is part of a broader study of the history of everyday life of men of noble families of the Kyiv province in the 19th century. Conclusions. Memories, memoirs, diaries, and other ego-documents are very important in recreating everyday life. Their analysis makes it possible to more comprehensively investigate and highlight various aspects of everyday life. The memoirs of August Ivanskyi are filled with various descriptions and interesting characteristics of the events of the 1960s, which are important in the context of the study of everyday history. In the article, based on memoirs and other sources, which eliminated factual inaccuracies, a segment from the life of August Ivanskyi dedicated to the January Uprising was reproduced. His participation in the preparations for the uprising, imprisonment and exile are detailed in the memoirs. However, Augustus tries not to describe the course of the uprising, referring to the work of other participants in those events, such as Tadeusz Bobrovsky. Memories, memoirs, diaries, and other ego-documents are very important in recreating everyday life. Their analysis makes it possible to more comprehensively investigate and highlight various aspects of everyday life. The memoirs of August Ivanskyi are also a valuable source for reproducing the everyday life of a Kyiv region nobleman in the second half of the 19th century.
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