Author Guidelines
The collection of scientific researches «Scientific Papers of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History» is included in the list of professional editions, in which the results of dissertations may be published.
Periodicity: four times a year (March, June, September, December).
Printed papers include scientific articles, bibliographic and source study reviews, reviews for new editions in Ukrainian and English, which correspond to the profile of the publication and the current state of science and has neither been published before nor sent to be reviewed by the editors of other journals. The authors of articles may be: doctors and candidates of sciences, young scientists (adjuncts, post-graduate students, applicants), as well as other people who have higher education and are engaged in scientific activity.
The editorial board of the journal does not consider the article descriptive and survey, as well as those that are not of general interest and do not contain meaningful conclusions. Each article must be tested for plagiarism and review by leading specialists in the relevant field of science. The publication takes place taking into account the date of submission of the article and the completion of the review.. As a result, the article can be either recommended for printing, returned for reworking or rejected. Each issue cannot contain more than one article by a single author. The editorial board reserves the right to edit and reduce articles.
The presentation of the article should be concise logical, with the observance of scientific style. The text should be counted for spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of the material presented, for the personal ownership of the material, for the correct citation of the sources and corresponding references. The articles, which do not meet the specified requirements, are not accepted for publishing.
General requirements:
Scientific articles, in accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No. 7-55 / 1of 15 January 2003 "On increasing the requirements for professional publications included in the lists of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine" should contain the following elements:
- problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks (relevance of the research topic);
- analysis of recent researches and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and based on the author, the allocation of previously unsettled parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
- formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task);
- an outline of the main research material with a full substantiation of the scientific results obtained;
- conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction.
All structural elements in the text of the article should be marked as follows:
The Problem Statement.
The Analysis of Sources and Recent Research.
The Purpose of the Article.
The Results of the Research.
Technical requirements:
- Scientific articles should include: UDC (printed from the top to the left in normal font); after 1 interval in the middle in bold italics, the author's name and surname are printed; in the following banners in the usual font indicate: the educational institution or scientific institution in which the author works; scientific degree and academic rank (in case of absence - position), country (in brackets); email address (e-mail); ORCID iD (; ResearcherID (; Scopus Author ID ( After 1 interval in the center - name of the article in bold letters; in 2 intervals symmetrically to the text in the usual italics - annotation (not less than 1800 symbols) and keywords in the Ukrainian language (or the language of the article submission) (4-7 words in alphabetical order); after this, in 2 intervals - the main text (in the text of the article the bold elements above must be highlighted in the structural elements); at the end of the article, after 2 intervals symmetrically to the text under the heading "Sources and Literature:", the list is made in a column, alphabetically after 2 intervals, an abstract (at least 1800 characters) and keywords (4-7 words) are submitted in English. References article concludes. Abstracts are submitted as structured abstracts containing the following selected elements: the purpose of the work, methodology, scientific novelty, conclusions.
- amount of author's works: articles - 12-24 pages (20-40 thousand symbols); reviews - up to 4 pages;
- sheet format A4; all fields 2 cm; Times New Roman font, - 14 font size, normal style ("normal"); line spacing - 1,5; paragraph indentation - 1 cm (in automatic mode); print text without hyphenation, aligning the width of the sheet;
- References to the literature in the text are given according to the APA style (7th ed.) ( (Merynov, 2015, p. 62). The reference to the archives in the text is carried out in the form (DAViO, f.P-29, d.1, c.32. p.13). (description of the abbreviation of the archive is carried out in the list of literature in alphabetical order). References to several sources at the same time are given as follows: (Marinov, 2015, p.62; Starodubets, 2013, p.52). Spaces in brackets must be indeterminate (Shift + Ctrl + Space). The author's notes are made at the end of the pages using the * as a sign of the footnote;
Sources and literature, as well as References are presented according to the requirements of the APA citation style (7th ed.).
The list of sources and literature used in the "Sources and Literature" is presented at the end of the article (font size - 14, 1.5 intervals).
References should always include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if possible. The DOI should be an active URL inserted at the end of the reference in the list of references. If you are not sure whether a given source has a DOI or whether a DOI is available for a reference, you can search by title, author name, etc. at
- Mandatory distinguishing between dashes (-) and dashes (-), using quotes of this format - " " ("text"); etc., initials with names (for example, I. Ivanov), instructions on pages (page 34), names of settlements (Kyiv city), years - In front of square or round brackets, as well as in them - print through indissoluble indentation (simultaneously pressing Ctrl + Shift + space bar). To avoid it, you need to use the "Unprinted Signs" feature; remove hyperlinks from the literature list.
- each abbreviation (or abbreviation) should be inserted in the text in brackets after the first mention of the corresponding full phrase and only then it can be used;
- all tables and figures should be given a link in the text of the article;
- all tables should have headers (above a table, a separate paragraph of the text, without indent, bold);
- drawings must be accompanied by signatures (under the figure, a separate paragraph, bold, center alignment, without indent, signature must not be an element of the drawing); numbering the patterns in the order of references in the text.
- one space between words;
- give a dash with spaces. Before the abbreviations pp., Pp., Art.put an indissoluble space. If to give in brackets, it is not necessary to write "gp." (1861, 1945 - 1947, (1945 - 1947), XV - XVIII centuries.). In combinations, for the decades between the dates, put a dash with spaces: 40s-50s, 1940s, 60s. Years that do not coincide with calendar ones can be submitted through inclined risk (1997/98 academic year; 2012/13 budget year);
- time and numerical intervals are executed through a dash without spaces (July-August; 36-44);
- in numerical data containing more than five digits, after each three digits to put an indissoluble space (13 255; 457 357; 46 532,5 kg.);
References should be transliterated (for publications in Ukrainian, Russian or other Cyrillic languages). It is necessary to use the recommended transliterators:
Online translator from the Ukrainian language for transliteration:
Online translator from Russian for transliteration:
- After automatic transliteration it is necessary to check the correctness of the result and make the necessary adjustments. The names of periodicals (magazines) should be submitted in accordance with the official Latin spelling of the ISSN registration number, which is easy to find on the journal website or in any scientific online database.
In References, titles of works in languages using non-Latinized alphabets must be translated into English and placed in square brackets; source names should be transliterated, the original language should be indicated in square brackets at the end.
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Publication of the articles in the journal is carried out on a contractual basis at the expense of the authors, the fee is determined separately for each gender depending on the number of pages (from 12 to 24 pages). The cost of one page is $2.50. The bill is sent to authors whose articles have received positive reviews and recommended for publication.
To post an article, please send the following materials (files) by e-mail:
1) an article drawn up in accordance with the specified requirements;
2) information about the author: surname, name, patronymic; scientific degree, academic rank, position, place of work, postal address, e-mail and contact phone;
3) a scanned receipt for payment of the publication;
An example of file signature: Markov_article.doc; Markov_Information.doc; Markov_quitancy.pdf (or JPEG).
The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) service to archive published articles.
The publication of the article in the collection involves the author's automatic consent to placing his electronic version in scientific and research databases, open access resources, and the Internet.
Copyright Notice
authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.