The foothills Carpathian mountains are considered to be a kind of landscape ecotones, to which landscape experts pay little attention. In particular, from a geographical point of view, Precarpathia is separated by geocomponent boundaries – narrow 25–40 km. A strip stretching along the eastern slopes of the Carpathians for 280–300 m. However, detailed landscape studies of the Precarpathians and adjacent plains showed that the eastern landscape and geographical (geocomponent) boundaries of the Precarpathians, as well as the Carpathians in Ukraine do not coincide. In addition to the Carpathian foothills, it is necessary to highlight the Peredkarpattia plain, which includes Roztocze, Opillia, Middle Transnistria and Khotyn Upland. The landscapes of the Carpathian foothills and the Precarpathian plain are not the same. This is the western and eastern part of the Eastern Carpathian landscape ecotone, formed during their interaction. On its basis, no less unique anthropogenic landscape ecotone is developing, which is still poorly studied by Ukrainian scientists.
Taking into account the population of the mentioned territories and their anthropogenization, the question of the formation of background anthropogenic landscapes becomes natural. So far, little attention has been paid to them. Landscape studies of foothill ecotones are significantly different from geographic geocomponent studies. The relevance of conducting research in the foothill geoecotones of Ukraine is determined both by the need for detailed knowledge about them, and by the knowledge of numerous and diverse geoecotones formed in the process of their anthropogenization, as well as background anthropogenic landscapes. Their study is important both from the standpoint of classical landscape science and from the standpoint of integrated management of foothill territories to achieve maximum ecological, social, and economic efficiency of nature management.
Eastern Carpathian landscape ecotone administratively occupies the territory of Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions. Active, especially during the past two centuries, agricultural development of its territory has led to the formation of background, agricultural landscapes here, and in their structure, field landscapes predominate. Background, in addition to agricultural, also includes forest anthropogenic landscapes.
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