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suburban zone, landscape, recreation, tourist and recreational micro-center, zoning, rational nature management

How to Cite

Chyzh О. П., Denysyk Б. Г., & Omelchenko В. С. (2024). TOURIST AND RECREATION MICRO-ENVIRONMENTS IN THE PROCESS OF ZONING SUBURBAN LANDSCAPES. Landscape Science, (5(1), 22–28.


New factors of zoning of suburban landscapes - tourist and recreational micro-centers - are considered. The goal is to carry out an analysis of tourist-recreational micro-centers as indicators of the separation of zones and sub-zones in suburban landscapes. By tourist and recreational micro-centers we mean an anthropogenic structure that is formed and develops under the influence of tourist and recreational activities of people and in conditions suitable for this. In the process of research, the principles of complexity, coexistence and environmental friendliness were applied; methods of expedition research, analysis and synthesis, as end-to-end - GIS technologies. It is noted that with the active development of suburbanization at the beginning of the 21st century. the areas of suburban areas, which scientists pay little attention to, are significantly increasing. The definition of the concept of "suburban zone" is supplemented, the problems caused by the specificity of knowledge and their landscapes are highlighted, the presence of external (distant) and internal (near) landscape boundaries of suburban zones is substantiated, the importance of tourist and recreational micro-centers in their isolation is shown. Using the example of the suburban area of Vinnytsia, it is shown that it begins and ends where recreational landscapes, based on the formation of tourist and recreational micro-centers, begin to dominate and become background. Taking this into account, the current boundaries were clarified and their development (expansion) in the suburban landscapes of Vinnytsia until 2050 was proposed. It is noted that the significant, almost 2.5 times, expansion of the area of the suburban zone of Vinnytsia requires further detailed research of tourist and recreational micro-centers.
Tourist and recreational micro-centers are more often formed on the basis of residential, water and forest anthropogenic landscapes available in suburban areas. Among the variety of tourist and recreational micro-centers in the suburban area of Vinnytsia, spontaneously formed micro-centers for active recreation of sports and health direction clearly prevail.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ольга Петрівна Чиж, Богдан Григорович Денисик, Вікторія Сергіївна Омельченко